Are you a tooth grinder?

tooth grindingYour dentist is the perfect healthcare professional to look to when you are experiencing tooth grinding and the many symptoms that go along with that. We are here to help. After all, we know that teeth grinding can be a nuisance that causes headaches and sleep problems. It also can cause lasting problems for your teeth and gums, including chipped teeth, worn enamel, chronic pain, or even TMJ, a painful jaw disorder.

Our team utilizes TruDenta systems, which have been designed to relieve headaches, migraines, jaw pain or facial pain. Through proven state–of–the–art technologies in the fields of advanced dentistry and medicine, you can finally get headache and migraine relief in a way that will:

  • Reduce your pain levels and the number of days in pain
  • Provide headache relief without dependence on drug related solutions
  • Give you control of your healing process
  • Possibly even give you your life back… you know the one before all this pain took you down the path of “trying to cope”

The first step of recovering from teeth grinding is noticing the problem. Symptoms of teeth grinding include:

  • Sensitivity in the teeth
  • Tightness or pain in the jaw
  • Dull headaches, earaches or facial pain
  • Chipped, worn down or loose teeth

If you have been experiencing pain, our team can help determine the cause of the problem. TruDenta dentists are uniquely equipped with state-of-the-art technology to quickly examine and diagnose force-related symptoms.

It’s time to talk with our office about how we can help you with TruDenta. A simple painless screening test can determine if TruDenta is right for you. To learn more, please give us a call today. Grinding your teeth can negatively impact your smile and chewing function. It can be related to sore painful muscles, headaches, and sleep problems. Please ask us about TruDenta today.


American Association of Orthodontists World Federation of Orthodontists American Board of Orthodontists American Dental Association American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine Academy of Sports Dentistry Invisalign Invisalign ClearCorrect Straight 2 You