
Invisalign® TIPS, from Dr. Rooney

May 19th, 2011

Many people know that Invisalign is a great solution to braces if you don't want to experience the look and feel of traditional metal braces. What few people know, though, is that just like traditional braces, Invisalign requires proper care to work effectively. Good oral hygiene is highly important, even when you are wearing something in your mouth that you can take out to eat with. It's still likely that your aligners can build up plaque if not treated properly. When wearing your Invisalign aligners, Dr. Sean Rooney wants you to ask yourself the following questions:

1. Am I eating with my aligners on? - These aligners are removable and should be taken out when you eat.

2. Am I drinking anything other than water with my aligners on? - Though it's not necessary for you to take out your aligners while you drink, think about how sticky soda is. If you take out your aligners when drinking a soda, you have a better chance of keeping your aligners clean.

3. Am I brushing before putting the trays on? - The aligners have both an inside and outside. Keeping the outside clean is easy. Keeping the inside clean is also simple: just make sure you've brushed your teeth before putting the trays on.

These are all very simple steps, and ultimately, they help to keep you building good oral habits. If you have any questions about Invisalign or your treatment here at Dr. Sean M. Rooney Orthodontics, give us a call!

Ask Dr. Rooney: Is Invisalign® really customized for each patient?

March 3rd, 2011

Yes, it is, and that’s part of what makes it work, says Dr. Sean Rooney. To find out if you are the right candidate for Invisalign treatment, the first thing we do is to take an impression of your teeth as they are now and digitize it. Using special software, we look at the current positioning of your teeth and compare it to the way your teeth should look.

Next we use special software to map out the exact path your teeth will take from the beginning of your treatment to the end. Based on the results, a set of custom aligners are created just for your teeth. Throughout the course of treatment, you will be required to wear these clear, removable aligners one at a time; each one moving your teeth closer and closer to their final aligned position. The best thing about it all? Nobody around you will even know you are wearing braces!

Dr. Rooney is a certified Invisalign provider in Mahopac, NY. If you have questions about Invisalign, or would like to find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign treatment, please give us a call.

American Association of Orthodontists World Federation of Orthodontists American Board of Orthodontists American Dental Association American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine Academy of Sports Dentistry Invisalign Invisalign ClearCorrect Straight 2 You