
How to deal with orthodontic "emergencies".

July 15th, 2011

We’re lucky to have great patients who know how to take care of their braces. They practice good hygiene, stay away from hard, sticky and gooey foods and come in regularly for adjustments.

However, even with the best of intentions sometimes things don’t go as planned. While there are very few true ‘emergencies’ in orthodontics, there are some times when a wire will bend or poke, a bracket will come loose, or an elastic tie can pop off. Your first course of action should always be to call our office. However, if you aren’t able to come in right away, there are easy ways to make your braces more comfortable while you wait for your appointment.

This video shows some common issues with braces, and how to fix them.

Broken brackets: Brackets sometimes beak, bend, or pop off completely. If the bracket comes off and is still attached to the wire, you can use wax to hold it in place and keep your mouth comfortable. Call our office and make an appointment to have it reattached.
Loose bands: Hard and sticky foods are the biggest culprits in bands coming loose. If that happens, call our office right away to schedule an appointment to re-cement the band. In the mean time, try not to play with it, and don’t attach headgear or rubber bands to loose bands.

Poking wires: As your teeth move in your mouth, sometimes the archwire will extend out the back of the bracket and irritate the cheek. If this happens, you can cover the end with wax until you come into the office. Another option is to use the eraser end of a pencil to gently bend the wire in towards the tooth, and away from the cheek.

Sore teeth: It’s not unusual for teeth to be sore after an adjustment or when new appliances are installed. Usually, this only lasts for 24-72 hours. We recommend cold fluids and soft foods. You can also treat it the same way you treat a headache, with the pain reliever of your choice.

Lost ties: Occasionally, the elastic ties that hold the archwire onto the bracket can come off. Call our office if that happens. Often, it can wait until your next appointment. Other times, we can schedule a quick visit to have it replaced.
When in doubt, don’t hesitate to call the office at 845-621-1222. We’re always happy to answer your questions!

Questions with Dr. Sean M Rooney Orthodontics

January 31st, 2011

At Dr. Sean M Rooney Orthodontics, we get asked a lot of questions from our patients. The ones we hear most frequently are “When are my braces or appliances coming off?”, “When can I change my colors?”, “How painful is each procedure?”, “How often should I get cleanings with my dentist?”.

We enjoy answering each of these questions, but there are also some questions we don’t hear as often that we believe are important for maintaining your oral health and for effective orthodontic treatment with Dr. Rooney, such as:

• “When is my next appointment?”
• “How often do I have to wear my rubber bands?”
• “How often do I have to wear my retainer?”
• “How often should I brush and floss my teeth?”
• “How is my hygiene?”
• “What are the different types of braces?”
• “Are there special mouth guards for my braces or my appliances?”
• “Will my teeth stay straight forever?”

These questions or any other questions you can think of, we would be more than happy to answer. You can ask us during your next appointment or by giving our office a call. Happy Monday!

-Dr. Rooney and team

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